Divorce can include a variety of topics. Issues in divorce include the division of assets and liabilities, alimony, and timesharing and child support when there are children. One of the basic and most important aspects of divorce is the division of debt. It is important to define what debt is part of the marital estate before martial debt can be divided in a divorce proceeding. Issues can arise if there was premarital debt, marital waste, and whether expenditures made after separation, but before divorce, were improperly made from marital accounts or individual accounts that included martial funds or property. Divorces that involve businesses can become especially complex when dividing debt and liabilities. An Orlando divorce lawyer can provide you advice on how to divide debt. There are many issues with allocating debt in divorce. There is always risk that the party assuming a marital liability after divorce may not pay the debt that they assume. Also, it is common for assets to be subject to debt and this must be resolved in divorce. Examples of this include a car subject to car loan or a home subject to a home loan. A divorce lawyer in Orlando can help you with the marital home in divorce, such as deciding who will occupy the home, whether it will be rented, who is responsible for the mortgage, maintenance and repair, when it will be sold, by whom it will be sold, and the listing and sales price, among other things. A divorce lawyer in Orlando can provide you with information, options, and solutions on settling your property and debt issues in divorce. Alimony in divorce can be a very complicated topic. Marriages can be categorized as short term, medium term, and long term. You are eligible for very little or no alimony in a short term marriage. A medium term marriage may result in alimony. A long-term marriage is the most likely to result in an alimony award. Florida statutes and case law determine how much alimony you can receive. There are many factors that come into play when determining alimony. Some of the factors include the length of the marriage, whether there are children, whether one spouse is a stay-at-home spouse in order to take care of the children, whether either spouse cannot work due to disability, the ages of each of husband and wife, the income of each the parties, and the standard of living enjoyed by the parties during marriage. The law provides for even more factors. You can see that there are many different considerations that make an impact on alimony in divorce. Because of the uncertainty involved, alimony often results in litigation. The Florida legislature recently tried to reduce the amount of alimony litigation by presenting the governor with a law that would have established alimony guidelines. However this alimony law was vetoed by the Florida governor in 2013. Another alimony bill with alimony guidelines may be presented to the legislature again in 2014, although probably in a different format. To know more information about Divorce attorney orlando, please visit our website devoelaw.com
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